Top 10 Reasons for a Struggle with Reading

Do you know of anyone who has a struggle with reading? Have you ever wondered why? Or have you simply assumed it was due to laziness or a lack of motivation? Well, I can 100% guarantee you it is NEVER due to laziness or a lack of motivation. That would be like believing that a one year old who is not yet walking must be lazy or not motivated because other kids are walking as early as 9 months. Yet we seem to accept the process with the little one learning to walk independently.

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Distortions and Reading

Does your child experience distortions or become disoriented while reading? This often isn’t just a question that you can ask and get a clear response. This is because, even when distortions or disorientation are experienced, your child won’t necessarily realize that this doesn’t happen for everyone. It may also be so normal for your child that it isn’t noted by him/her at all.

experiencing distortion

It is normal for everyone to become disoriented and experience distortions at times. With this stated, it is important to find out if this is a factor in a child’s reading struggles.

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Dyslexia – Coping Mechanisms and Overcoming

Dyslexia Defined

Oxford dictionary defines dyslexia as “a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.”

withdrawn student with dyslexia


There are a few things that catch my attention in this definition… the first being that it is not defined as a single disorder but rather it is defined as disorders. I take this to mean that not everyone would display the same symptoms and that it could be the result of a number of things happening.

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